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How photos can reveal a story


Reporter: Are you a rich man?

Bob: What do you mean, rich?

Reporter: Do you have a lot of possessions? A lot of money in the bank?

Bob: Possessions make you rich? I don’t have that type of richness. My richness is life, forever…


                                             How photos can reveal a story

The life that an artist can show in his own way is unique, it’s a reflection of that contemporary time where he belongs. In this blog, I am going to write about the life how a photographer can capture and show to the entire world without any words, without any description. Yes, it is possible and possible through the frame to the viewers. Now you people are thinking how it is possible to take photos without description.

The eminent photographer Atanu Paul always says, “let the photos speak. If I speak then my photos will be upset”. Exactly a photographer should take photos and let the photo speak before the viewer as South African photographer Kevin Carter did with his great photo where a vulture was stalking a little child and the photo had spoken to the whole world about the starving condition of the people over there. Only one media can freeze time; it's photography. Photography is the reflection of the time or you can say photos are the part of its time and a hanging bridge between the two times. If people are against you, the situation is against you, don't say anything to anyone. Just do your work, listen to your heart, and at last your photo will speak to the world, definitely.

We are going to discuss a photo story. It’s not the text written on the photo you read. There will not be any explanation for any written story but the photo will force you to think about its characters, sequences. Photostory is the collection of photos in a sequence. It’s very important to maintain the sequence which ultimately provides the viewers the story of the particular collection. Creating a photo story is not so tough but also it's not a piece of cake for all. Few steps you need for creating the ultimate photo story. 

  1. Planning - Think of your subject. Notice them as much as possible, go and mingle with them. It's very important when you are a  known person to them, they will not look at the camera or stop their activities. This is very fruitful for a photographer. Next, plan out the background, light condition, camera settings according to the light, facial expression of the characters.


2.      2.Subject - when you choose your subject it's very important to take a definite character. It's not important those characters always have to be human beings. It may be a moment, a particular place, a group of workers, anything where they have a serial activity. Or if your subject is a place then take the time as per your sequence; e.g. a railway station trains come and go, show the condition of the morning time, show the busy time of the day, then in the evening people go to the opposite direction as they return home after that a lonely station in the night.


3.       3.   Costume - if your subject is human being then select the particular costume according to their particular job. I am not telling you to provide them the same but you should find out the same in your character. As the costume tells a lot in the frame. From where your subject belongs, what is their culture, tradition, etc.


4. Expression - expression is very important for human character as before going to the work fresh facial expression, without any struggle; then busy in work, struggling faces, sweating and at last a relaxing expression at the end of that particular activity.


5.    Time - time is very important as we play with the light. So under which light condition your activity is going on, and from which corner you would click your subject, or if you take time as per your sequence then how would you show the start point with the shadow and highlight, and end your story with the same; you have to measure and plan.


6.      6.    Sequence - most important part of this segment of photography is sequence. You can click so many photos but arranging them in sequence is the toughest part. Not necessary to take thirty frame per second type photographs as videos but only through a few photographs you have to cover the entire time of your story. Select all the best moments from shots and after that arrange them in sequence. For your benefit you can number those selected photos but number should not be mentioned at the time of exhibition.

Now create your stories, exhibit to the viewers and enjoy your creation but don’t forget to give an

appropriate title to your story. As Rabindranath Tagore says, “The races of man have poetry in their

heart and it is necessary for them to give, as much as is possible, a perfect expression to their sentiments.

For this, they must have a medium, moving and pliant, which can freshly become their very own, age

after age.”

Be brave and keep clicking!

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